Tuesday 23 March 2010


I learnt a new word today: Ephemera.

Wikipedia says that Ephemera is transitory written and printed matter not intended to be retained or preserved. For example: postcards, tickets, brochures, and advertisements.
Basically, it refers to items created for short-term use but which are historically (and emotionally!) valuable as illustrations of past events or activities; ie: momentos.

I discovered this word while perusing Pip Lincolne's gorgeous book Meet me at Mikes, which I was lucky enough to get for Christmas:
Pip outlines all the steps to create an Ephemera Mobile, where you can use your own collection of special and collected items and she reckons it will only take you a couple of hours.

If like me however, finding those uninterupted couple of hours is actually the real challenge....then perhaps you'd be interested in purchasing one of these whimsical mobiles - these are SOOO not just for the nursery:

The Purist Mobile - made with recycled white plastic discs. $40.00


I can go to bed now, content knowing that I've learnt something new today! What did you learn??
S x

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