Wednesday 31 March 2010

It's Personal....

I am a real sucker for customised bits and pieces and have been known to give personalised stationary- such as these from Michelle Brusegaard - as a gift ($18 for set of 8):

I am always coming across items you can put your own stamp on - or someone else's for that matter. Here are some items you might like to customise:
Gorgeousus linen personalised table runner for $18 (can't get enough of that linen!!):

Customised address stamps by Purple Lemon Designs - $18

Or a coat/hack rack with your name like these from Humble Bee Designs - $20

Or even this personalised bunting for $44 from Banners and Bags:

How about this personalised silver money clip for $83 by Chris Parry:

Or even these handcrafted letters ($7 each letter) made with Japanese Fabrics and an acrylic base by Mooza

And finally, these Personalised Book Plates 8 for $6

All these hand-made goodies with your name on it.
S x 

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