Tuesday 2 March 2010

One Man's Trash....

Is another man's......well trash too really. Until the other man decides to do something amazing with said trash, and it then becomes 'treasure'.

Not quite found-on-the-side-of-the-road, these items were salvaged from my Grandmother's shed as she was moving out, and although you can appreciate their current trash factor.....

I have plans to put them to a new and repurposed use, thereby turning them into treasures!

This blog will certainly keep me on my toes if nothing else, as I can't possibly post these bold claims and not follow through now, can I??

I saw what Retro Modern did with a similar set of nesting tables -like the ones I have now inherited - and wondered if I could pull off something vaguely similar?

And, I am picturing that oval print of Mother Mary transformed into a chalkboard...much like this one by bluebellbazaar that I saw on Design*Sponge:

And I reckon we could stretch some fabric over that old painting and use the frame to hang the new masterpiece?

Now, as for something that I have actually "done"....well, we set up an additional study nook at home and not knowing where to begin, I started with this old school desk:


DURING: (painted white....recognise that green chair?!)


As this is currently a work in progress, I don't have a finished 'after' photo to post as yet. Watch this space.

I'll be sure to report back on those projects above from Nanna's shed. Let me know if you have any other clever ideas for any of these pieces. S x

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