Thursday 8 April 2010

Enough Already!!!

Okay, it's official. I'm obsessed. Just when you thought I couldn't blog anymore about necklaces....

These three are absolute corkers and really, they speak for themselves.....

Vintage Enamel Flower and Rhinestone Necklace - AUD $159 by Urban Rose in Melbourne:

Spring Thaw Necklace by Circ using vintage floral components and smokey topaz rhinestones - USD $182

And this "Carnival of Flowers" made with voile, satin and tulle. Made in QLD by Red Zebra Designs for AUD $75:
Ok. That's enough.
Necklaces, step aside.


  1. LOVING all of your jewellery finds this week - the last one especially, wow x

  2. thank you my dear. I was afraid it might have been over kill....x
