Monday 5 July 2010

The Tour....

There are lots of people seriously crazy about cycling. Since Lance visited Adelaide, the lycra factor has certainly been on the up and up.

With the Tour de France upon us and Wimbeldon behind us,  here are some hand-made beauties with the bike in mind.

These stylish cycling caps are spot on and made by Gal Studio for USD$27

This print of a cycling race might appeal to some of you bike enthusiasts. It's by Richard Lee -a Canadian who is seriously obsessed and races himself. USD$22

In my observations, it seems males are the dominant bike riders around my city. Here's a t-shirt that may appeal to them for only USD$12 from the Bold Banana. It show the history of the bicycle...

Or simply protect your surfaces with a little quote from Albert Einstein. USD$16.50 for a set of 4 x coasters by Angel Ellie

Not really my idea of the perfect French tour - where's the wine and cheese??

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