Wednesday 6 February 2013

Lovin' it!

It's in the air again. That's right 14th Feb is around the corner and the cheesy-ness factor is about to be ramped up in malls and newsagents across the globe.

I spotted a couple of items with the V Day theme - that I don't consider to be completely naff - on Etsy recently. Geez that site continues to deliver. Long may that continue.

Have a little looksy here:

Kissing Booth Garland Banners by Nikki Hayes for US$45 -

Sparkly Cushion (cannot resist a sequin) from Max & Me Homewares in Brisbane - AUD$55 -

Should there be someone in your world who is suffering from the post-break-up-blues this Valentines Day, then some hand-made crafting therapy might come in handy.

This book from Lark made me smile. For AUD $21, and a few sharp implements and long needles, it could be a cheap cure for cupids curse.

Will you succumb to the love fest that is Valentines Day or will it be business as usual?
S x

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  1. Thanks so much for including my love cushion in your round up! xx

  2. You are most welcome - I hope the cushion is getting lots of love today - V Day!! S x
