Thursday 17 October 2013

Wall Candy....

Gallery walls are rife in all the interiors blogs and mags - what better way to show off all your photos, postcards and polaroids?

Rather than gathering dust in a shoe box or being lost on your hard drive,  collate your favourites and make a display of them.

Having seen this wall in the bathroom of Sea Circus in Seminyak, Bali - I am motivated to put my own collection of memorabilia together.

I loved this quote on their wall in particular! A reminder to some of those brazen Bali beach babes perhaps?

While I have LOADS of cards, photos and tear-sheets, I have been eyeing off a few new purchases to add into the mix.

When in need of motivation:

USD$35 from Earmark

LOVE the Gold Print on this - AUD$11 from Charm and Gumption.

Our surname beginning with the letter A and all...
Instructions on how to make your own are on Spearmint Baby.

And while I don't know where to buy these beauties, I've had them pinned to my "Quotes to live by board" on Pinterest, so here is the perfect opportunity to use them:

Throw some photos and special greeting cards into the mix, pop them all into interesting but uniform frames and voila!
Blank wall and dusty box be gone.
S x

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