Wednesday 5 March 2014

For everyone, in every colour....

This week's find are beautiful, tactile woven baskets and bowls made by African Tribeswomen and designed and sold in Australia by Couani.

The Couani website is colourful and cheery and you'd be hard pressed to decide on which style you 'need' in your place.

Great gift ideas, the baskets start at AUD$40 for the small, and the bowls at AUD$45.

Now I don't profess to be a food guru and I'm not turning this blog into a smoothy-a-thon, but after some positive feedback about that Green Smoothie a few posts back , I have to share with you another tasty version. (Oh and by the way, you can get more nutritious inspiration by liking Wholefood Muse on Facebook).
This one is a breakfast or lunch substitute as it includes oats and is REALLY filling. By Bill Granger:

Pineapple, Mint & Ginger Smoothie

1 small pineapple peeled and cut into chunks
knob ginger
cup natural yoghurt
cup milk (I used rice, but soy, almond or regular would do nicely)
2 tbsp rolled oats
6 mint leaves
3 ice cubes
honey or agave nectar  to taste

Wizz it up and down it goes. You could pre-freeze your pineapple chunks to add that frozen factor.


Let me know if you try this one and your verdict.

S x


  1. Hi there, my name is Kiki & I started the Couani business last year after me and my husband went on our honeymoon in Africa. We fell in love with the baskets there and thought we would try to bring them to Australia but in brighter colours and few different our whole house has got colourful bowls and baskets everywhere! The concept of your blog is great! Nice website the flats. They're very cute.

  2. Hey Kiki, apologies for the delay in responding to your comment, I've been away. I know the feeling of being inspired while travelling - well done to you for following it through. The baskets and bowls are delightful. I hope your business takes off. Pop me on your subscription list as I'd love to be updated. Thanks for the +ive feedback on my little venture too. Fun times! Sx
