Wednesday 7 July 2010

Fabulous Felt

It's everywhere. Felt, that is.

I bought this necklace from Community Projects Worldwide recently. Made using Australian Wool for the felt balls, felt is now on my radar big time. I keep stumbling across it - even when I'm not looking for it. There is a word for this phenomena isn't there?

I've been bookmarking my "felt-finds" for a while now. The challenge is deciding which clever felt creations to's a taste:

Cozy Cottage Creations made this felted earth ball by referring to satellite pictures as a guide for accuracy in the position and shading of the continents and swirls of clouds in the ocean. Ingenious. Made to order for only USD$40:

This iPhone or iPod cover is made using felt and antique brass rivets. USD$18

 Crafts to Cherish have used the softest Marino Wool to hand felt this floral necklace. All the way from Ireland for USD$120

Closer to home, I urge you to resist this felted ball mat made in Perth by Happy as Larry. Imagine how good it would feel under foot! USD$200. Available in all sorts of colourways. You could almost eat it!

Elena from Belokrinitski in Israel insists the postal service is so good there, her pieces are sent worldwide for free.        USD$65 & $55

There is soooo much more. I could go on.
I will.
Another day.

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