Friday 9 July 2010

The Little Red Dot

I am off to Singapore for a week's holiday. Can. Not. Wait.

When researching the hand-made delights I'll have waiting for me, I was hoping to stumble across something with a distinctly Oriental flavour.....but so far, no such luck.

Completely NOT my cup of tea, these, dare I say kitsch? iPhone & Camera cases from Crafting with Love, do however smack of Asia.  Think Hello Kitty.

USD $25. Let's file this one in gifts for the the under 12's....

Hopefully I'll uncover some tasteful Singapore clever-ness to share on my return.
See you in a couple of weeks.


  1. LOVE your blog. I think it was your mum.... maybe your mother in law, stopped in to my shop while on the YP with Margie & Gary and told me about your blog! I have to get some of the linen pears.

  2. Thanks so much. Yes, it was my MIL and she introduced me to your gorgeous website/ shop too. Beautiful! S x
