Friday 20 August 2010

A day away from Polling Day

I've  been incommunicado for a whole week now. That's seven whole days. I've been having conniptions. The number one on my "favourite gadgets list" (my laptop) gave up the proverbial ghost. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHH.

With a day to go until Australia's Federal Election the laptop was returned to me and so I decided to do this little online quiz to determine which lucky party will get my vote tomorrow. Click here and have a go. If you're reading this after the event, do the quiz and see how your vote stacked up. Rather insightful if there is any credibility to it??!

The forecast here for your dash to the polling booth is for sunshine; and let me say it is very welcome. Might even treat the kidlets to an icecream tmrw.

Upon a Fold have a cute take on the chocolate covered icecream for sale. Among their nifty paper creations, is this one that looks good enough to eat. Try writing on it and popping it in the post instead. AUD$5.95

Let's hope Election Day doesn't turn out to be all about the drips.

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