Sunday 23 January 2011

Australia Day

I realise it is now the 23rd Jan 2011 and closer to the Chinese New Year than our own....but nonetheless:
Happy New Year!!

I have been somewhat focused for the past 10 weeks on selling the house and relocating my family interstate- hopefully the last move for a long while - but here I am again now with a handmade card to share with you.

Are you familiar with Iris Folding? I met a lady once who made cards using the technique; which in a nutshell uses folded strips of paper placed in a spiral pattern until the centre of the design in the end product resembles and iris or eye of a camera.

In honour of the public holiday on Wednesday for AUSTRALIA DAY, here is a card made using Iris Folidng. For AUD$5 it is from Polly Papers based in Tasmania. Can you make out the folds in the pic below?

Enjoy your lamb, potato salad and lamingtons and have a heap of good ol' fashion Aussie cheer on our Nation's Birthday!
S x

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