Tuesday 29 May 2012

Lamp love

Inspired by these light shades at Koskela, I have embarked on a little DIY this past week.

Both the industrial and the neon elements appeal greatly to me, but alas not the price.

So here is my version - minus the neon - for the princely sum of one dollar. 
That's right $1 - and about 20mins. This is a very basic shape -  I found it at St Vinnies - but with a visit online to somewhere like Arbee, you'll find various models to choose from for under $25. A steal in comparison to the designer ones available.

And now for the neon, I have another project to share. 
Watch this space.

S x


  1. nice! I love the look, but not the price of the others, awesome job!

  2. Love that industrial lamp really. And the your version @ $ 1 is so cleaver idea.

    ~ Herman Swan
