Monday 2 December 2013

Land of the Long, White Cloud...

A recent trip to New Zealand's South Island uncovered some amazing scenery and activities. They don't call it God's Country for no reason!

No trip of mine would be complete however, without sniffing out some hand-made delights.

Made from recycled glass, Stone Arrow have used 100% reused Bombay Sapphire Bottles to fashion these sweet blue "Hydrangea" earrings. NZ $59.

No need to begrudge an empty bottle of Gin when this is the by-product:

I couldn't resist this little bird feeder. We have daily visitors of the feathered kind to our back patio and I thought we could spice things up a bit by adding a piece of fruit to their offerings. This was NZ$35 and I'll be offering them shortly in the find...found...forage shop!

More on the shop soon....

In the meantime, check out some snaps from Queenstown, NZ or should I say, "Pleasantville"?
So beautiful. We were very lucky too with magnificent weather.

They are a patriotic bunch, the Kiwis.
Is it any wonder?
S x

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