Sunday 8 December 2013

Introducing: The find...found...forage online SHOP!!

This little ol' blog is getting all grown up.

The natural progression I thought, from sharing my hand-made finds with you via the blog, was to offer some of them for you to buy!

Having spent a nice chunk of the Australian Winter in Bali this year, with my feet up, thinking cap on, and cocktail in hand, I set about foraging for the very first hand-made items for my new shop.

And what a find it was!

Hand-made, super soft, leather ballet flats are the first find of many that are now selling in the find...found...forage online shop. For AUD$80 a pair including Australia Wide Postage, these little babies are at a perfect price point for Christmas too.

Pressie for the teacher? Your Mum? Yourself?

They've been a huge hit thus far with half of my first shipment sold within 2 x weeks. Hooray!

I've also found Silver Hanging Garlands - AUD$10, candles -AUD$4.50, shopping baskets -AUD$25 and more, on offer in the shop.

A box of additional hand-made delights hit my doorstep today and we all know how exciting parcels in the post are. I can't wait to get them uploaded onto the site. Think fluro. Think sparkly.

I'd love you to visit the shop and have a little looksy. And if you like what you see, perhaps share with your friends?

I'll continue to post my latest hand-made finds here on the blog. Having hit the  "Finders Keepers" markets in Sydney today, I have some absolute winners to share.

And so the next chapter begins...

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