Tuesday 14 January 2014

Chandeliers & Smoothies....Decorating & Detoxing

So it's the middle of January already and one of my many goals for 2014 was to blog with a little more regularity. It's out there now, so you can hold me accountable.

First things first though, I've just voted in the annual Triple J Hottest 100 music poll. Did you know it is the world's largest music democracy? Have you attempted it? It didn't take me all that long this year. My tips for the top 10 include the clever clogs Lorde and perhaps some Daft Punk.

With regard to hand-made lovely-ness however, I spied and brought home with me this fabulous mobile from The Finders Keepers Markets held in Sydney early December. It looks just the ticket hanging in my frangipani tree in the back garden. See:

Made by Michelle at Me We for AUD$20 each, I have ordered another two (despite my husband's initial reaction of "WTF is that?" when I unveiled it!).  We have a little soiree coming up, and I figured they could be all the decoration needed.

Now no New Years resolution list would be complete without the obligatory weight loss/ healthy eating entries. I am lucky enough to have a very clever lady and soon to be food coach living around the corner. Rebecca Raymond inspired me to once again jump on the Green Smoothie bandwagon and by following her ingredient list, I can't get enough of them.

So in the name of hand-made / home-made, here is a visual. It is seriously delish. Throw the following into your blender. You wont be sorry:

1 x kiwi
1 x lime
knob of ginger peeled
1/2 banana or 1/2 avocado
handful rocket
handful kale
tablespoon seeds (flaxseed/chia/pepitas)
tablespoon honey
1 cup coconut water

Delicious detoxing.  Enjoy!
S x

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